Krampus—Crapness is More Like It

Ahhh, this time of the year again.

When sleigh bells are ringing, pretty lights are shining, and, holiday movies are coming to town.

When I first read somewhere that “Krampus” is a horror comedy movie, I could already feel the excitement.Who doesn’t love a good laugh and a good scare?

1 cover

But unfortunately, Krampus didn’t provide either. Here’s why.

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I haven’t seen me smiled so happily in quite some time

I once read this wise saying, “don’t buy things–buy experience”.

Whenever I feel I was withdrawing too much into my self, I remember it.

And try to emulate it—try to make my self feel—experience—as much as possible.

Preferably with other people instead of alone.

Sometimes it didn’t work. Sometimes I just felt even more tired and needed even more alone time than before.

But sometimes—sometimes, I am quite pleased with the result, seeing me pushed me a little forward, giving me that little nudge heaven knows I need to realize, world doesn’t always have to be closed in all around.

In fact, when I saw the photos from a trip to Bogor’s Grand Garden Cafe with my coworkers, I was pleasantly surprise to see the uninhibited joy in my expression. Continue reading

Have Yourself a Goosebumps-y Little Halloween

Being a bookworm, I grew up in the adventure world of Enid Blyton, Astrid Lindgren, Roald Dahl, and Beverly Cleary, to name a few of my favorite children book authors. But sometimes I forget that not all of my favorite authors are dead, and I only know them from the wonderful stories they’ve written.

R.L. Stine, author of ‘Goosebumps’ series who currently still very much alive, is also a prominent name that has seasoned my childhood and teenage days delightfully flavorful. So when I heard that they made a movie version of ‘Goosebumps’, I knew this is a movie I want to see. Continue reading

Colorful Seasons of Loveliness

So 2 October is Indonesia national batik day. As previous years, our office celebrate it by requesting all employees to wear batik.

I was quite excited for this day, since I honestly love batik. It is amazingly flexible. You can wear it anywhere to any event, both casual and formal, and it just makes you look effortlessly chic, without looking too rigid.

For me, the first event for Batik day was lunch with coworkers at Seroeni retaurant, Plaza Senayan. Needless to say, we didn’t any waste chance to take pictures. Continue reading

Ikea: Imagining How You Might Want It

After wanting to go for quite some time, finally I got the chance to go to the first Ikea store in Indonesia this week.

I’ve read several reviews about the store, all of them tell that it is a fantastic place. But still, I didn’t quite know what to expect.

And after a tour around the store, here’s what I’ve got to say.

1. The store smells good.
Like seriously.

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“Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials”–A Mini Review

My encounter with “The Maze Runner”, the 1st movie in the series, happened purely by chance. I had wanted to watch any movie back then, and “The Maze Runner” seemed to be the most promising one, so I chose it. You can say I very much enjoyed the movie, and had been looking forward to watch the sequel, “The Scorch Trials”, rather enthusiastically since.

I skimmed few beginning chapters of “The Scorch Trials” book, so I’m more or less aware that some notable differences have been made to adapt it into the movie. I can imagine that some changes are necessary to keep the movie compact. The happenings in the movie should be able to bring the story forward, keep in line with the original plot, but at the same time enable even viewers who didn’t read the book to understand what is going on.

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10 ways living in Japan makes you talk like a weirdo

Except number 10 XD grown out of that phase XD

Ampers & Ampers

1. You can’t stop using useful Japanese words.


2. Everything is natsukashii.


3. You forget what words aren’t English.

J34. You simply forget English words.


5. You use Japanese particles in your sentences.


6. You use Japanese English.


7. You talk to yourself in Japanese.


8. Your answers become more vague.


9. You make lame bilingual puns.


10. And lastly, you can’t help yourself.


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In the Heart of Every Girl

Today I went to Kemang Village with my sister to unwind.

I thought we can watch some movie, but wondered if “Minions” would be to childish. So finally we chose “Age of Adaline” instead.

I think it’s an okay movie, if a bit cliche.

The visual and landscape are beautiful and meticulous, and I enjoyed watching the many hair styles of Adaline through the ages.

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If you love me, dilly, dilly, I will love you…

This March has been a busy month for me, but also a rather fulfilling one.
I went to see two movies. While both were not exactly outstanding. they were certainly worth watching.

The first is “Kingsman: The Secret Service.”

This is not a movie I would go if I were to choose my self, but a friend of mine recommended it with a rather raving enthusiasm, saying it was ‘packed with action’ and ‘funny’. Continue reading

[Blogpost Trans] An Uncle’s First Tohoshinki Concert Experience

I just started to write about reunion of “Doramia Fellows”, but actually this “Doramia Reunion” was a bonus which came along with another delight. This was because Erina-san and Gari-mama-san’s real purpose lied in another place: Tohoshinki Concert’s Osaka Stage in Osaka Dome.

As proof for this, Erina-san has been in the concert the day before as a part of her pursue since Sapporo Stage, and Gari-mama-san also only joined us after enjoyed yesterday’s concert with another friend. How amazing… I acutely felt the tenacity they put into this “Tohoshinki”.

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Every Little Blessing I Have

Last weekend, I went with my sister to Central Park Mall. I wanted to see their Christmas decoration, though it was still early November.

Nothing was particularly spectacular, though they do have a giant silver Christmas tree at the outdoor area.

With minimal decoration and no lights, it looked so plain, but basically I dislike silver/white Christmas tree. If it’s white to symbolize white Christmas, the only right way to do that is like this: Continue reading

Got a Long List of To-Dos, You’d Tell Me I’m So Vain…

Okay girls, it’s the end of November, and in a couple of days, we’ll get to see Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show 2014!


Not me XP

But, no kidding, the fantasy bras look okay–look Bollywood-ish to me–and VS steps up their game by giving double fantasy bras this year, meaning, instead the usual one model, TWO models will get to wear the fantasy bra(s). Continue reading

A Page in My Book of Life

As I said once in this post, I’m not always your backpacker, adventurer type of girl.

In fact, my most common weekend activity is glued to my laptop screen browsing malls-hoping.

I’m not a shopaholic. Maybe because I don’t have the money, lol. But if there’s a new mall opens, I love to go over and explore. I love observing the mall interior, the shops, the ambience, and even the rest rooms. Yes, I know especially girls would agree with me, that it’s a super plus point if a mall has nice rest rooms, right? =)

So last week I decided to give Baywalk Mall, a relatively new mall in North Jakarta, a go. My coworker has gone there for a business meeting, and she said it has a nice by the sea view.

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I Hope I Worth This Friendship A Long Way

So previously, I have blogged about my trip to Sawarna Beach Village and Gunung Padang Megalithic Site. I also mentioned that my Department in the office (I’m currently in Marketing Department) loves to utilize our gathering budget to do something more than usual dine-in. But actually, my trip to Sawarna and Gunung Padang weren’t with my own department members, but with other wonderful group called “Hobi Jalan” (Love Travel Group).

First time I went with Love Travel was fully by chance, when they sort one member to go on a low budget trip (lol!) and boy, don’t I ever feel really blessed and lucky to be able to know these wonderful people closer!

This time, we went hiking to Gunung Galunggung and two other places.

Learned from the last trip to Gunung Padang, when we didn’t have time to go to our other planned destination, we decided to depart from the office on Friday night again, instead of Saturday morning. It was sort of a hassle because we had to bring our spare clothes and gears when we went for work in Friday morning, but with all extra time we got, it’s definitely worth the effort!

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