You Tube Channels I Like

Heyyyy, so how was your October? I hope you all had a great autumn season before we finally enter that time of the year again.

I am certainly celebrating, because… so many good movies! XD

First, “Happy Death Day” like I mentioned in my last post.

For a movie I only watched because I accidentally saw the trailer and felt intrigued, I ended up liking it a lot more than “Kingsman 2”, the main movie I had been so looking forward to and in which I happened to see the said trailer.

“Happy Death Day” packed so much good elements in one movie: lovable characters, exciting plot, nifty comedy, heartfelt message, and even fluffy romance.

Tree and Carter are so cute, and the actor who played Carter is such an eye candy. It is a great misfortune that he is only 23, really XD

Audience even got a chance to be a sleuth in this movie, and guess who the real murderer was. Did you guess correctly, and when did you guess it? Let me know in the comment section!

Then… I was going to watch “Geostorm” because my coworker raved about it. I wasn’t into disaster movie—everyone talked what a disaster “2012” was—I wouldn’t even know since I never interested in one of those. But my coworker talked about how “Geostorm” was different from other disaster movies, so I decided to give it a chance. I changed my mind in the very last minute because “Geostorm” reviews are so bad and went for “Thor: Ragnarok” (which reviews are goood) instead. And I’m glad I changed my mind!

I have to say that first 30 minutes or so weren’t that great. I especially found the appearance of Doctor Strange as a big “Huh? Why is this necessary again?” moment, but then the movie got better and better as it went forward.

I especially love the scene when Hela announced herself to the Asgard Army, and the reaction she got from the Army Leader was “I don’t know who you are, but we won’t let you take over Asgard” sort of thing, and Hela hilariously shot back “You don’t know who I am? Did you not listen to the WORDS I just said?”

It was one of many the-supposedly-serious-turned-comedic-scenes in “Thor”, the ingredient which made this movie so refreshing and brilliant, but, I don’t know, I just feel that this scene especially resonates more with us ladies. Because we are more prone to get into such a situation, when we just explained something but the person we talked to (usually men XD), (a) said something totally ignorant, (b) said something exactly the same in different wording, (c) continue to push through with previous topic/ideas as if we had said nothing.

Is it just me? Mansplaining, anyone? XD

In times like that, I really would love to have Hela’s superpower and roar, “Did you not LISTEN to the WORDS I said????” And KABOOM!!!


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to alienate my men reader, I’m sure you are all real gentlemen who always listen carefully to people around you XD

I’d say both movies got 7.5 out 10: satisfactorily entertaining and you got the value for your time and money, but I won’t get into a full review this time.

Instead, in this blog post I want to do something a bit different than usual, and share some Youtube Channels I enjoy.

So random, I know, but why the hell not? XD

Mostly, I just stumbled upon the channels by chance, and found that the Youtubers present their contents in appealing way. I do subscribe, but I don’t always watch every video. I just check them out every now and then to see if there are new materials that I’m interested in.

1. Lily Koi Hawaii

Lily’s channel talks mainly about holistic health, healthy lifestyle, and veganism/plant based eating.

I’m not a vegan and I don’t promote veganism, but I do think that we have to eat waaay more vegetables than our current standard diet.

Lily is informative, persuasive and engaging about the benefits of eating plant based. She’s got a fantastic sense of humor, and she tones down her criticism to non vegan lately in order to appeal to wider audience. Wise move, I think, because if we approach someone who already has a different opinion to us with righteousness and accusation, it will only drive them away instead of drawing them to our side, right?

She made me laughed out loud in this video.

I don’t believe that eating solely plant based food is the healthiest option for your body in long term, but I do think she has a very healthy approach to her way of eating. If you need extra motivation to eat and live healthier, check her channel out.

2. Simon and Martina

Simon and Martina are a married couple who made a big name initially from vlogging about k-pop and Korean culture. I knew their name since their Korean days, but I never really checked their videos. Now that they moved to Japan, I enjoy them a lot more since I can relate to many things they talk about.

I know Japan is a very fascinating place, especially for new comers. I found Simon & Martina’s videos stand out among many Japan vloggers because their genuineness and outstanding editing. Simple sound effect or captions could really go a long way in making videos a lot more attractive. What’s more, when I watch their videos, I feel they are trully invested in whatever they’re presenting and are eager to share with the audience.

I also admire how Martina talks openly about her depression and share videos about how she deals with them.

If you only watch their regular videos, you won’t have any ideas that Martina has an illness that makes her have to deal with a lot of pain, and a depression because of that, because they always seem like a very happy go lucky couple.

She is so brave in sharing about her struggles, and I think she’s helping so many people by it.

Other Japan vloggers I also like are Rachel and Jun.

They are also a married couple, and since Jun is Japanese while Rachel is American, I find their take to Japanese culture is rather refreshing.

3. Romee Strijd

If you happened to be a long time acquaintance of my blog, you’d know that I’m quite a Victoria’s Secret fan. I think their marketing concept is genius and as far as I know there is no other brand who is quite as successful in utilizing their brand ambassador.

Of all current Angels, I always think that Martha Hunt and Taylor Hill are particularly attractive. I didn’t especially care about other Angels, but I do understand that each has unique appeal which attract different type of people. Among them though, I thought Romee Strijd was just pretty in a very basic way and in fact a bit boring. I didn’t understand why VS chose her to be Angel among hundred others.

Then, recently Romee has taken to post regular vlog and I watched it by chance. Before, I only ever saw her photos or watched her in runway, so never really saw her interacting with others.

After I watched her vlog, I suddenly get her appeal and now I totally understand why she was chosen as angel!

In her vlogs, Romee seems to be very genuinely nice, always smiling, and in general giving very positive vibes. She’s fun to watch and her smile is contagious. If i have a product, I, too, would like a Romee’s brightness to be associated with that.

In this video, she and her boyfriend Laurens do Q&A, and I’m so impressed with how much they seem to support each other.

At one point Laurens was asked to described Romee in three words, and I was not surprised that the first was “positive”. Other two are “hardworking” and “sweet”, which I also agree, though I could only judge from her vlogs XD. Meanwhile Romee described Laurens as “ambitious”, “thoughtful”, and “funny”.

I was like, dang, they describe most pleasant qualities in each other!!
So, major swoon <33333

Romee’s vlogs have really revived my excitement for VSFS. This year’s fantasy bra looks very beautiful. I was hoping Romee would wear it but it suits Lais really well XD

There are couple of other youtube channels I enjoy, and maybe I will share it again some other time. Meanwhile, I’m preparing for upcoming blog post since there are so many exciting things I would like to share. So, see you then!

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